SOFTWARE VISION LICENSE AGREEMENT ================================= INTRODUCTION ------------ This is a legal agreement between you (the Licensee), and Software Vision Corporation ("Software Vision"). By using EnVision Publisher, you are agreeing to the terms of this agreement. If you cannot agree to abide by what this agreement says you should not use or evaluate EnVision Publisher. This agreement explains when and how you may use both, the shareware version of EnVision Publisher. In this agreement: - "Shareware version" means a promotional copy of EnVision Publisher distributed by us or by our authorized agents for evaluation purposes and which is described as a shareware copy in the sign-on messages and in the documentation. - "Registered version" means a copy of EnVision Publisher Plus or EnVision Publisher Pro purchased from us or from a dealer, and which is not described as a shareware copy in the sign-on messages and the documentation. - "we", "us" or "Software Vision" means Software Vision Corporation, based in Pinellas Park, Florida, U.S.A. - "you" means the end user (Licensee) of EnVision Publisher. COPYRIGHT --------- EnVision Publisher is protected by the United States Copyright law and international treaty provisions. You agree that your use of EnVision Publisher is subject to these laws, which prohibit unauthorized copying or duplication of the EnVision Publisher software and documentation. LICENSE FOR THE SHAREWARE VERSION OF ENVISION PUBLISHER ------------------------------------------------------- You may use the shareware version of EnVision Publisher for an evaluation period of up to 30 days. The purpose of this evaluation period is to allow you to determine whether EnVision Publisher meets your needs before purchasing it. Once the evaluation period has ended, you agree to either purchase a registered version of EnVision Publisher, or to stop using it. If you have ordered a registered version of EnVision Publisher from us or from one of our dealers, you may continue to use your shareware version beyond the end of the 30-day evaluation period until your registered version arrives. While you are evaluating the shareware version of EnVision Publisher, you may use it on as many computers as are required to perform your evaluation. Your 30-day evaluation period begins when you first install EnVision Publisher on one or more computers for evaluation purposes. Once the 30-day evaluation period is over and you decide to continue using the program, you MUST register your program. DISCLAIMER ---------- SOFTWARE VISION SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE VISION BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES. GOVERNING LAW ------------- This agreement shall be construed, interpreted, and governed by the laws of the State of Florida, U.S.A. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ---------------------- If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at: Telephone: (813)545-4354 FAX: (813)541-5616 CompuServe: 70304,64 Software Vision, PO Box 1734, Pinellas Park, FL 34664-1734, U.S.A. ============================================================== EnVision Publisher Registration Form ------------------------------------------------------------ Name:____________________________ Company:________________ Address:___________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________________ State/Province:________________ ZIP/Postal code:__________ Country:_______________________ Telephone:________________ ============================================================ PRODUCT QUANTITY TOTAL EnVision Publisher Plus..........$69 _____ _______ EnVision Publisher Pro...........$129 _____ _______ ------------------------------------------------------------ Subtotal (add the TOTAL column above)---------->_______ 7% Florida sales tax (if applicable)----------->_______ Shipping ($5 USA & Canada, $10 international)-->_______ TOTAL (add the Subtotal, Tax, and Shipping)====>_______ ------------------------------------------------------------ Payment method: [ ] Check or money order [ ] Visa, [ ] Master Card, [ ] American Exp. Credit Card number:______________________________ Expiration:___/___ Signature____________________ ============================================================ Disk size: [ ] 5.25", [ ] 3.5". [ ] High density OK ============================================================ Mail this form to: Software Vision Corporation PO Box 1734, Pinellas Park, FL 34664-1734, U.S.A. Telephone: 813-545-4354 ============================================================ Credit card holders can also register by calling our toll free order desk at: 1-800-388-8474. You can also fax this order form to us at 813-541-5616. If you are a CompuServe user, you can also E-mail your order to us at account number: 70304,64 International orders see "International sales" in Help menu. THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING! (Reference: 2.00) =================================================================